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#31: Get Off Your A** (GOYA) with David Meltzer
Ready. Set. GOYA!!! Learn how action and attraction brings abundance in this inspiring episode with David Meltzer. David Meltzer is the CEO of Sports 1, a sport marketing firm which he co-founded with hall of fame quarterback, Warren Moon. Additionally, David is an award-winning humanitarian, international keynote speaker and best-selling author. His life’s mission is to “make a lot of money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun.” In episode #31, Hala speaks with David about lessons learned from mistakes he made early in his career, the importance of minimizing ego and his secrets for attracting unlimited success and abundance.
#31: Get Off Your A** (GOYA) with David Meltzer
Hala Taha: [00:00:00] Hey guys, I'd like to personally invite you to YAP society on slack. It's a community where listeners go to network and give us valuable feedback on the show. We do things like discuss current events, chat live with guests and vote on episode titles and upcoming topics. To join you up society on slack, go to Bitly slash YAP society.
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[00:01:00] learn and profit. I'm your host, Hala Taha. And today we're speaking with David Meltzer co-founder and CEO of sports one, a sports marketing firm, which he co-founded with hall of fame, quarterback, Warren Moon, prior to sports one marketing David was CEO of the world's first smartphone and later became CEO of the world's most notable sports agency.
Leigh Steinberg sports and entertainment. He's an award-winning humanitarian and international keynote speaker and bestselling author. David's mission is to make a lot of money, help a lot of people and have a lot of fun. Today, we're going to speak with David about his philosophy on life. Learn from the mistakes he made earlier in his career and find out his secrets for attracting own limited success and abundance.
Hey, David, welcome to young and profiting podcast.
David Meltzer: Thank you for having me, Hala. I'm really excited to be here.
Hala Taha: Likewise. We are so excited to have a guest like you on the show. Can't wait to get it in with you. Your story is so fascinating. It's filled with ups and [00:02:00] downs. There is so much to learn and absorb from it.
You have gone from rags to riches. Starting up, growing up in a household with six siblings and a single mom to becoming a millionaire just nine months after graduating law school and a multimillionaire by the time you were 32, then in 2009, you lost it all went bankrupt, but you quickly rebuilt yourself and your empire acquiring so many life lessons on the way, which I hope to uncover.
So we have a lot to talk about
David Meltzer: That's right. I'm ready to go. Hopefully those lessons will be shared. And the dummy tax that I paid won't have to be paid by others.
Hala Taha: So I want to begin with your childhood, from listening to your interviews online, I've learned you were a hyperactive kid, used to have trouble studying. Your siblings were quite the opposites.
Some of which were you call super geniuses that went to Ivy league schools, but while they had academics on lock, you were a natural hustler which in the real world can translate to a lot of [00:03:00] success. In your own words, tell us what you were like as a kid?
David Meltzer: You know, as a kid, I was hyper and active and aggressive.
I just wanted to be rich as a little kid, right? I not, not for the wrong reasons, but I wanted to buy my mama a house in a car. My mom sacrificed so much. I had so many money issues to be responsible for my mom as my dad left when I was five and only time I wasn't happy was when I caught my mom upset about finances, about not being able to fix a car, send us to college or summer camp or not having enough money for food.
And I saw her working two jobs as a second grade teacher, and then coming home, making dinner, packing it into a paper bag and going to fill draining card turnstiles at the seven 11, just so we would have meat. And I just felt as if money bought happiness and I was in such a loving, extraordinary family that I just wanted to have the cupboards
[00:04:00] of more than a two bedroom apartment and sleeping on a window seal.
You know, it's really what drove me.
Hala Taha: Yeah. And speaking of, you know, driving you towards success, let's move on to the early part of your career. What were you like as a young man, you ended up going to law school. So what inspired you to actually go to law school? And then how did you end up making the change from lawyer to businessman?
David Meltzer: I'm at a philosophy. And even though I wasn't the best student of my siblings, I did very well in highschool. I just didn't realize how well I did, but I wanted either to be a doctor or a lawyer or a failure. That's kind of what I was guided. But I found out from my oldest brother a great lesson to be more interested than interesting.
I actually, at 18 years old, didn't know that doctors had to learn and practice in hospitals, even if you wanted to be a sports doctor, just as if when I ran the most notable sports agency in the world, kids came up and still do all the time
[00:05:00] and tell me they want to be sports agents. And they know as much about being a sports agent as I did about being a doctor.
So I always share the lesson that my older brother gave me, which is be more interested than interesting. Find people that sit in the situation that you want to be in and find out how to get there. But I decided to go to law school. I reverse engineered what the highest paying jobs out of law school were. So I went to Tulane university because they had the top maritime program to be an oil and gas litigator, which at the time was the top paying law profession out of law school.
But I ended up not taking the job in oil and gas. I actually took a job as an entrepreneur in a new field called the internet in the early nineties, there was a big legal publisher called west publishing that had started something called west law. And because I had great sales skills and I had those skills through college, through law school, I had various jobs to make a lot of money selling encyclopedias in [00:06:00] college, selling tennis shoes on incoming Salesforce for 4:00 AM to 9:00 AM.
Before I went to the law office to work when I was in law school. So I knew I could sell, everyone always told me I could sell. And I decided I would sell legal research online. And within nine months I was a millionaire. Even despite the fact, my mom told me to be a real lawyer and that the internet was going to be a fad, which was lesson number two for me, just because someone loved me.
It doesn't mean they give you good advice. And so many times we allow others to manifest what they want for us. And these people are called our family, friends, associates, and then when we manifest what they want for us, and we're not happy, we resent the closest people, the most important people in our lives, simply because we weren't accountable for making our own decisions.
Hala Taha: Yeah, I'm so glad you brought this up because I think this is one of the most powerful things that you talk about is to not take everyone's advice and the courage you had to face, your mother, who you say has a
[00:07:00] black belt in Jewish guilt. Who's now supportive of you. And, you know, you went against her advice, but then you ended up being massively successful, way more successful than if you were just to have been a lawyer.
So that's really incredible. And just because they love you or birth you, it doesn't mean that they give good advice.
David Meltzer: Yeah. And I think it's important to distinguish that I was successful at my profession. Right. I think it's important for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in general, to understand that we are successful at certain things when we are consistent and persistent in the pursuit of our potential.
So even before I went to college, I was a successful football player because for me, even though I ended up playing division three football, Getting an academic scholarship to college based upon the leadership award they gave me because I did play football. My great success in life is still to be an average division three football player, because that's the closest to my potential that I've lived.
And I think it's important for people to
[00:08:00] understand there's different areas of their life. According to their personal values, their experiential values, they're giving values and receiving values that they can determine how successful they are in each of the activities that they're participating in.
Because my life is constructed in the 24 hour construction. The manmade construct of time. I look at things as activities, activities I get paid for, activities I don't get paid for. And I'm breaking down those activities by how successful I am. In the consistent persistent pursuit of my potential and the enjoyment of that.
And so whether it be the activity of being a father, activity of being a husband activity of being a philanthropist, activity as being a business person, a coach, a speaker, a podcaster. Whatever those activities that I participate in, I want to pursue and enjoy the pursuit of my potential at all times.
And I want to remain happy. So I really think it's important for people when they hear, oh, you were a
[00:09:00] great success of mine. Nine months out of law school. I wasn't, right. I was financially successful and I was successful at my sales profession, but I was a moron. I was arrogant. I was living my life in the ego-based fear-based consciousness that at 51 years old is quite obvious to me because of the lessons that I've learned and what I've taken from it.
But I think not many people, my age that have professional successes. Aluminate the fact that, look I was a complete moron when I was young and I made tremendous amount of mistakes. And I want to encourage people to enjoy the lessons and look back and rejoice in the fact that maybe you're financially successful at 25, but there's so much more to life and that what if I could be a success or pursue my potential in all the different activities that I took during the day.
Hala Taha: Totally. So basically you're saying like, yeah, you might've been financially secure, but you weren't a well-rounded human. And so you had to work on your personal development. Many of these topics, I hope to get into. If we
[00:10:00] have enough time, you were just mentioning that you were a great salesman. You got out of college, you got your first job, you made your first million dollars in nine months.
Were you always good at sales? Is that something that came naturally to you or was it something you studied and got really good at.
David Meltzer: Both. So initially I'm what they call an Eagle. Somebody that can sell ice to Eskimos, I can make an emotional attachment to people and then give them logical reasons to buy. But I really didn't excel in sales until I understood and became a student.
Of sales. When I became a professional salesperson, when I met with a guy named Tony Gwen, who's a famous old baseball player. And he said, you know, I was born with these gifts to hit a baseball. I was born with extraordinary hand eye coordination. I have learned a love of the game of baseball, but what made me the best hitter of all times.
And at his time he was eight batting titles at 3 94, batting average is hard to beat, but he said, what made me great is I'm a professional.
[00:11:00] I sit here for hours and study pitchers and I studied technique and I practice way more than anyone else and David if you want to be a professional, the greatest that there is at your profession, then you need to do the same thing.
Sales is the gift just like hitting a baseball or throwing one, but you can become better by being a student and a professional by practicing. And I learned solution selling. I learned spin selling. I created my own five to thrive system and I truly am a sales professional. And so I encourage anyone that's born with those gifts to utilize them and maximize them.
You know, there's two types of players in the league. There's a guys like LeBron James that were just born with extraordinary talent and still have the work ethic to be a professional. And then there's guys like James harden who may not have the exact same skills that LeBron James, but have extraordinary work ethic and became a professional at the capacity or potential that he was given.
Hala Taha: Yeah, that just goes to show it's practice
[00:12:00] makes perfect. Basically.
David Meltzer: Absolutely.
Hala Taha: So you are actually super frugal when you first started to make money. Even when you had a million dollars in the bank, you were wearing the same shoes and socks for a whole year. What was your reasoning behind this
David Meltzer: I think there's two things going on that I live, like I said, in the ego-based consciousness, I didn't understand, fear motivated me
or I felt as if fear motivated me, what I've learned throughout the last 35 years is that fear focused me, right? The natural being of the ego and fear is that it provides extreme focus, but it actually is a drain on the emotional economy. It's a drain on your energy. It's a, depreciator not an appreciator.
And so I lived in a universe of not enough. And so I was constantly scared that I would lose everything. I was constantly scared to go bankrupt. I was constantly scared, which caused misbeliefs like my own luck was created by not only did I not want to spend the money on new clothes, new shoes and new socks, but I
[00:13:00] felt like my clothes and my shoes and my socks were lucky.
And so I created all these false different focuses in my life that now I know were just ridiculous, all fear-based emotions. And now I've found the substitute of consistent persistent behavior to fear and consistent persistent behavior creates inspired behavior and that gains and appreciates my life instead of sucks my soul like fear.
Hala Taha: Wow that's very interesting and powerful. Often things from our childhood ended up haunting us later in life. And so you were different from your siblings. You weren't really interested in studies. You said in past interviews that during this time you carried the energy of being stupid and you projected inferiority, could you share with our listeners what you mean about that and how you got out of your own way to overcome those feelings?
David Meltzer: Yeah. It's, you know, I do a lot of executive business coaching. And as a
[00:14:00] coach, I realized there's three different things that were going on. One was my conscious, which had a duality of the ego based conscious the need to be right offended, separate inferior, superior, anxious, guilty, resentful, offended, angry, frustrated, all of the different fear based emotions.
And then there's also the truth consciousness. And that's aggregated by what we think, say, and do. And then you have the belief system, which is in the subconscious that are the neuropathways that are formed by consistent behavior of what we think, say, and do. And then we have the aggregative faith, which is what we think say, do and believe, but that create our unconscious competencies, which are number one, genetic passed down from at least four generations could even be lifetimes would at least four generations that
consists of our personality traits. Our characteristics, our obsessions, our addictions, which then also have the unconscious competency of our energy. And what happens in people's lives is they can think, say, do, and believe all the right things but [00:15:00] if they don't change their genetics, activate their DNA that works for them and carry the right energy
will consistently attract the wrong things into their life. So as a child, I was very hyperactive. I was told by my grandmother when I would tell her I'm bored. Right. My siblings were sitting around studying. I wanted to go play and I would tell her I'm bored. And she would consistently tell me only stupid people get bored.
Smart people think to do. I was also surrounded by people that were Summa cum laude and Harvard, Penn, and Columbia. And I felt as if I was inferior. And so what I did is I projected my insecurity that I was stupid by surrounding myself with people that were lest motivated intelligent, smart students than I was making myself feel superior or better.
I would project my insecurity by bragging and exaggerating and manipulating and overselling and backend selling and lying to people to make myself feel better that I actually was worthy or smart enough to be in the position that I
[00:16:00] want and what I was taught through quantum healing and beta meditation.
When I was taught about vibration and about the unconscious competencies and what was truly occurring in my life, even though everything I thought did and even believe was that I was intelligent enough to be in the place that I was and be rewarded with all that I had manifested. I was carrying an unconscious competency from those circumstances as a young child and from having the siblings that I had, that I was not enough, that I was not smart enough and that itself manifested or attracted all of these things into my life that I didn't want because it's the aggregate.
I was putting faith into what I didn't want. And I was getting more of what I did want.
Hala Taha: Yeah, the law of attraction is so powerful. And I definitely want to cover that and go into your whole philosophy around that and your different beliefs, because I think that it's so important for people to understand that what they think, their
[00:17:00] vibrations, their energy, all of these things really manifest your destiny and manifest the rest of your life.
And if you don't have control over your thoughts over the energy that you put out to the world, then you're just kind of going nowhere. You know, so I definitely think that that's something we've got to cover, but first I want everybody to understand just how rich you got, because that's very important.
This is young and profiting podcast, and we want to know you got a million dollars, nine months out of law school. You were probably like what? 25? That's crazy. Like. That's amazing.
David Meltzer: I bought my mama house and the car with it.
Hala Taha: That's just insane like you don't hear that ever happening to people. So you got all this money right out of college.
How did you end up multiplying your wealth at that time?
David Meltzer: So I didn't know it, but I unconsciously stayed focused on acceleration and exponential growth. I never limited the point of entry of what I was doing. So I continue to work at an effective, efficient and statistical
[00:18:00] successful rate. So that I created what I called the power of 64.
When I was young, I believed in productivity, how much value that I was going to provide an accessibility, how accessible would I be to other people? And how could I access what I wanted? And so I was a student of time. I thought number one, that I could work twice as many hours as anyone. So I could work 16 hours, but more than just working, I was going to be more productive with those hours.
So I was looking at how productive could I be with the 16 hours and looking at that, I wanted to be twice as efficient as everyone else, which would give me 32 hours of productivity. And then if I could be twice as statistically successful. So if the average guy was closing four or a woman was closing four deals out of 10.
I was going to close eight deals out of 10. And so by productivity standards, I then could take the 32 hours of productivity and turn it into 64 hours of productivity a day that gave me exponential value that gave
[00:19:00] me exponential results because I was beating people with numbers. I was productive 64 hours a day compared to the normal eight hour work person.
So I was doing eight times productivity of what most people were doing. So in actuality, Over the time when I became, you know, nine months to become a millionaire, that was really 72 months right of productivity. And I also was working seven days because I don't believe in work. I believe in activity, I get paid for activity
I don't get paid for. It allows me to be more focused in, on enjoying what I do but even beyond that, you know, if you take 72 months, that's six years. So in actuality, although I did it in nine months, it's not so impressive to do it in six years. It's impressive, but not as impressive, right? If I told you that I had my first million by 31 years old, but by productivity standards, I was really 31.
So when you take them the additional years to get the 32 where I was worth over a hundred million dollars, right? If you take those extra six years,
[00:20:00] And you times it by the factor of eight, that was 48 more years of productivity because I stayed focused on the power of 64. I actually know mathematically that I'm actually more efficient, effective, and statistically successful than 64 hours of the average productivity in a day.
I'm far beyond that now because I have stayed focused in, on acceleration and more growth in what I do so that every year I'm getting twice or more better at what I do. And it just gets that hockey stick effect. And that's how billionaires are made is by focusing in, on acceleration and exponential growth.
Hala Taha: Wow. I'm going to have to listen to that like five times to fully understand what you're saying, but it sounds incredible.
David Meltzer: It's in my book. So if you want to see it written out, as in connected to goodness, just look up the principle of the power is 64 and it will be laid out very clearly so you can study it and learn it as well
Hala Taha: I would love to do that. So you just mentioned 31 and I know your dad retired at 31 and he was a
[00:21:00] charismatic millionaire like yourself who went bankrupt and then made his money over and over again, similar to what happened to you, which we'll get into in a bit.
So tell us about your relationship with your father and maybe one of the big life lessons that he taught you.
David Meltzer: Yeah. So my dad left when I was five and he was my hero. And which probably made it the most difficult thing for my mom, because back then dads didn't really pay child support. So I had a wealthy father that didn't support us.
And I would tell my mom and I'd look down on my mom and tell my mom how much better my dad was than her and how she couldn't be like my dad. Meanwhile, my dad wasn't really a good dad and my mom was sacrificing every single thing she had for me. And yet had the humility, never to say anything negative about my dad until I was 10 years old.
And my dad forgot my birthday. Which absolutely crushed me. And not only did he forget my birthday, but he made it worse by projecting his insecurity and telling me that he didn't believe in birthdays, which I knew was ludicrous even at 10.
[00:22:00] So I was extremely hurt. And I went from making my dad a hero and to making my dad the goat, and I don't mean the greatest of all time.
I mean, somebody I hated and what I learned as I got older, it was, I hated my father for all the things I hated myself. My dad was an extreme manipulator. He was an over seller, a backend seller, even a liar. He had OCD issues like me, but instead of putting them in a positive direction, he was a compulsive gambler.
But when I was 30 years old, I got my first birthday present from my dad in the last 20 years. And they gave him a big box with a sport coat that fit me perfectly. It touched me so deeply that I had learned and grown to understand my father and built a relationship at 30. And I felt my dad never ever ever told me, he was proud of me.
That may be now that there was a breakthrough. And when I opened and put on the jacket, I realized that he had torn out all the lining of the jacket, all the pockets of the jacket.
[00:23:00] I was crushed. I called him and asked him if he was trying to punish me and why he would do this. And I didn't think it was funny.
And he said to me, because you're just like me and I'm worried. And I told him, I'm nothing like you. Right. I'm not. And I go, why would you give me a jacket? I can't wear. He said, it's not for wearing, is for hanging in your closet to remind you every day. You can't take anything with you. I don't want you to be the richest man in the cemetery.
I don't want you to be like me. I want you to be successful in all areas of your life. I want you to be abundant. I want you to help other people. I want you to be secure and who you are and the successes that you have. And from the time I was 30. Until two years ago and I was 49, almost turning 50, and my dad passed.
So, you know, almost 20 straight years, I learned to understand and learn multiple lessons about optimism, about obsessive compulsive, about business, about providing value about manipulation, lying.
[00:24:00] My dad had great lessons to learn. Not necessarily always from what he taught me by what he did, but what he said and the negative things that he did taught me great lessons of what I wanted to be and how I wanted to live.
Hala Taha: So at this point, was this before or after you went bankrupt?
David Meltzer: It was before unlike other people, a lot of things. I went through a quantum shift. This was the first step before I went bankrupt of the warning sign that I was manifesting the wrong things and that living in the scarce world, that I was putting faith in what I did want and sooner or later, what I didn't want was sure to happen.
Hala Taha: So tell us about how much money and assets you had before you went bankrupt.
David Meltzer: Yes, so I built a quite a bit. I had over a hundred million dollars in assets. I owned a golf courses, ski mountain, 33 different properties, a construction company, multiple businesses, stocks, and I was living in eagle. I had lost a lot of the principles that I live by the ones
[00:25:00] that my mom lived by, the ones my mom had taught me.
I lost my gratitude. I had lost forgiveness. I had lost accountability and I wasn't living an inspired life. I was surrounding myself with the wrong people and the wrong ideas and putting faith in fear-based things and sooner or later, that's what I ended up manifesting for myself was the biggest fear of my life going bankrupt.
Hala Taha: So your lack of humility, it led you to hitting rock bottom. I think this was around 2007, 2009. Your wife almost left you, you started hanging out with the wrong people, doing the wrong things. And in your own words, you were letting the universe control you besides like what you were going through internally, what exactly happened and how did you get it all back?
David Meltzer: So in 2007 before. I had lost anything. I ran into a woman on an airplane who told me that I was lost. She told me that I was blocking my light and asked me if I meditated. I then
[00:26:00] gave her a speech about meditation and how that I was complete control of my life. And I had grown up with nothing and I had a Ferrari, a porche or big home and motor home, and boat and anything I wanted, I could buy in that money
but happiness and that, why would I meditate? Because everybody that meditated that I knew was sick, broke living on their mom's couch and high. And I, I made things happen. Well, she explained to me at that time, this quantum moment of my life, she explained to me that through meditation, she could teach me to raise my awareness and my vibration, and she taught me that I could only be aware of
that which vibrated equal to, or less than me and then everything vibrated the earth, the plants, the animals sound light thought. And then she rocked my world. She asked me what thought vibrated the fastest. And she told me the truth. The truth vibrates the fastest David and I can teach you to pursue the truth, pursue your potential.
I can teach you to be aware of all the great truths of
[00:27:00] the universe, and you now can manifest everything that you desire. You can put faith into what you want and all of it can be yours. And at that moment, with over a hundred million dollars in assets with an ego, the size of king Kong with a scarcity consciousness that I owned.
I somehow decided that I was going to learn to meditate. And what happened over those next two years, as I accelerated an exponentially grew and raised my awareness, but all the causes that I had done, all the things that I had done in the past came to fruition in 2009. When I had to claim bankruptcy, when I actually claimed bankruptcy, I was in a very good place, mentally, emotionally, physically.
But the years before the 3, 4, 5 years before 2007, I had created the wrong energies. I had to shift those energies. I had to deactivate certain DNA of obsessive personality traits and addictions and causes that I had
[00:28:00] done. And my wife, you know, fortunately for me, you know, really woke me up as I started to meditate and do things and tell me how unhappy she was and how lost I was and told me to stick stock on who I was.
And so through that period, I was prepared for what was the most difficult thing I was going to have to do in my life, which has faced my greatest fear of losing everything and telling people that I was now a failure, financial failure that I had done exactly what my dad had done. And I had been a hypocrite and I had lived my life in the wrong way.
And then not only did I have to tell my new boss. And my business partner, Lee Steinberg the greatest sports agent of all time. And Warren Moon, the greatest quarterback of all time that there might as C E O had lost everything. And how could I, as CEO even think that I could recruit players by telling them don't worry, we'll take care of you.
You won't be one of the 75% of the athletes to go bankrupt. When I had lost everything myself,
[00:29:00] if that wasn't hard enough, I had to go tell my mother. Who, the only reason I wanted to be rich in the first place was to take care of her and buy her a house and a car that she was right. That I was a failure that I had not done or live my life, the way that she had taught me with gratitude, forgiveness, accountability, and inspiration, but I was selfish and scarce and egotistical and arrogant.
But moreover, I had to tell her that I'd forgotten to take her house out of my name. And I ended up losing her house and she would have to move. At that moment in my life, I learned what unconditional love was, because I thought that this news would shatter her. That would break her down into tears in disgrace.
But instead she looked at me. And smiled and asked. Is there anything that she could do for me? Was there anything that I needed? Did I need anything, any money, anything? And I realized at that time I still get choked up that I was lost, that all the things that I've done the last two years was
[00:30:00] the right trajectory.
But I had to dedicate my life like my mother to be of service, but I was born with a gift and an unconscious competency that my mother doesn't have. And that was the ability of abundance to create wealth and not unconscious competency. I was now going to use, not as a victim, like when I was born in five years old, that everything happened to me.
Why me? Why am I poor, blah, blah, blah. And definitely not as the optimist that everything happened for me but truly as the toptomist as the top of all optimists, the person that I would wake up every morning and pray to God for at least 10 people that I can help, I would pray that everything would come through me with expansion acceleration and growth so that I could provide.
Not only extraordinary wealth to other people, but empowerment to be happy to empower other people, to be happy with all of these things, I could save them so much in their lives because we have a happiness problem. Entrepreneurs have a happiness problem. On average, I read an article
[00:31:00] that most people are only happy, 15 days a year.
The number one cause of death in America for people under 50 years old is suicide. My mission in life is to manifest a billion people that I can impact to be happy. So I need to impact a thousand people like you Hala, a thousand people like you, that could empower another thousand to power another thousand to be happy with simple lessons of gratitude, simple lessons of forgiveness, simple lessons of accountability and teaching people to enjoy the consistent persistent pursuit of their potential to live inspired lives.
So they can inspire others to inspire others simply to be happy and happy people have everything that they want, everything that they need. And that's truly where I am today. And the mission that I've evolved to.
Hala Taha: Wow. It's like everything that you're saying, you could tell it's really coming from your heart, you really believe and do what you say.
And that's just amazing. I want to move on to like the law of attraction and things like that. And I think a way to introduce this is to first talk
[00:32:00] about ego and understanding how ego works. I know that you've got a great framework for ego. Can you just define like what Ego exactly means and why we need to feel separate inferior, superior, guilty, and resentful, things like that.
Can you just give some context to my listeners?
David Meltzer: Yeah. So at a simple level, ego is not just arrogance, right? I want everyone to know. He goes far more than just this arrogant, demeanor, brand that it has ego edges. Goodness out. Ego is the corrosion. It's the separation. It edges goodness, out of your life, it creates a perception or illusion.
It's a consciousness that creates resistance, void shortages, and scarcity, obstacles, and struggles in your life. And it's not a reality. If you change your mindset, you'll change your life. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. You need to have three basises of ego.
Number one, the
[00:33:00] law of Goya. The law of Goya is get off your ass. Do not sit at home on your mom's couch, dreaming about what you want, high and broke and sick. Get off your ass and work for what you want sacrifice for what you want. Create action, because part of attraction is action. And the second phase is the law of attraction.
After you put forth all the productivity, all the value that you want, then you need to be accessible. You need to attract and access. Everything that you want be accessible to others and access what you want with the laws of attraction, put your full faith into what you want, what you think, what you say, what you do, what you believe, and even the unconscious competencies of your personality traits and energy.
Put all that aggregative faith to what you want. And you'll get more of what you want. And then finally the most hyper grass aggressive part of the law of attraction or the law of getting what you want. Not only do you have to have action and attraction, but you have to
[00:34:00] surrender. You have to allow things to happen.
Now that doesn't mean sit back and allow it to happen. It is a hyper aggressive state. It takes Goya and attraction. You need to fight your ego. Number one, by being aware of it. What is my ego? When am I out of center? When am I out of the flow with anger, frustration, anxiety, separation, inferiority, superiority, fear, any of these emotions that puts you on the trajectory that is not in the direct pursuit of your truth or potential.
And if you can learn to number one, be aware of your ego and then stop. Breathe. And then put yourself back onto the trajectory of truth-based consciousness. Not ego-based consciousness, you will be productive and accessible. You will have efficiencies, effectiveness, and statistical success. Most importantly, you will accelerate and exponentially grow in all your pursuits.
And so that you may feel that you're
[00:35:00] 10% of the way there in a year, which means in half a year, more you'll be 20% of the way there and a quarter of a year more, you'll be 40% in the eighth of the year more, you'll be 80 in a 16th of the year, 160% in a 32nd of a year, you'll be at 6400% and it goes on and on and on.
That's how life accelerates and grows. And when people think they're not close, they're a lot closer than they think they are when they think they're close. They're even closer than they think they are. That's how acceleration and exponential growth works. That's what the ego does not allow you to do.. It creates the corrosion and the illusion that you'll never get there.
It creates a corrosion illusion that everybody else knows what's best for you, that you are what everybody else thinks of you, that you are not worthy, that you must please everybody else. All of these different emotions are included. In that ego-based and I highly encourage anyone to study ego and how it's relative to your time and productivity and accessibility.
And then you can experience the flow and
[00:36:00] really, truly not only be happy, but inspire others to inspire others, to be happy.
Hala Taha: That's incredible. I know that something related to this is vibrations. We are constantly giving off vibrations of energy when we think and feel, and these vibrations can be picked up and received by other people.
And really the universe responds to whatever we're offering, whether that's good or bad, it doesn't care. And it just simply responds to your vibration. So you've obviously mastered the ability to attract abundance with your vibrations. So can you just give us some tips on, you know, you mentioned vibrating faster, vibrating higher, and vibrating in a way that we're able to receive.
And I particularly have problems with this. Like for example, I'm was got a show on MTV when I was like 25, I was so close twice, you know, and I didn't get it both times. I almost was a radio host on hot 97. I was so close and basically worked for free for three years and then didn't get it, you know? So like how can we actually
[00:37:00] receive things that we're working towards?
David Meltzer: Yeah. So that vibration creates a frequency and there's three phases of that frequency that you have to realize. And may have been closed, but you have to have faith in the universe that everything happened for a reason at the right time, in the right place for the betterment of you, for your expansion and growth, that if you would have gotten one of those things, maybe certain things would have happened that would not put you in an accelerated position that you're in today.
So, number one, you need to know the power of your vibration or your frequency. How far can it reach? All right. How many people are out there and that continually is a gross. We want to increase the power of our frequency. Then you have the spectrum of your frequency. How many different channels are people tuning into your frequency?
How many people, what demographic, what sex, what race, what religions, what different age groups are able to understand and feel emotionally connected to your frequency. And then finally the clarity that's
[00:38:00] provided by your frequency. Right. It's not what you say. It's how you say it. And if people don't resonate with what you're saying, if they don't feel emotionally attached to what you're saying, it doesn't matter what you're saying.
So that vibration not only provides you awareness, which we talked about before, because you only can be aware of that, which vibrates equal to, or less than you, but it also generates the frequency, the strength of your signal, the spectrum of your signal, as well as the clarity of your signal and the greater those become the greater your successes.
We're closer to your potential that you'll realize.
Hala Taha: Previously, you mentioned about you vibrate close to the truth. What do you exactly mean by that?
David Meltzer: So determining upon awareness, right? We want to know the highest vibrating truth. So wouldn't it be nice to know through awareness and some people have greater gifts of this than I, and I've expanded my own just as simple truth.
Like whether to buy yourself. If I truly had a truth of awareness of when to buy or sell, I'd be a billionaire tomorrow. Right because I know exactly what to
[00:39:00] buy and when and when to sell it. That's the simplest way to take advantage of the currency of this vibration. There's several rules of this universe that have been written since Sanskrit.
They created an energy of a technology that wasn't even in the alphabet yet. And those rules include things like we live at this vibration and this vibration is currency right now. The object of energy that puts into the flow is money. So if we have enough money, we have opportunity to shop. One of the lessons that I've learned in life is that money doesn't buy happiness.
It doesn't rent happiness, but it allows us to shop. And if we shop for the right things, we're going to be really happy. So money is very, very important. That's why my motto is make a lot of money to help a lot of people and have a lot of fun. Now that frequency, et cetera, that allows you to create this different flow, but they is even the bigger currency.
And so the rules of Sanskrit are we live at this vibration. So be a realist, know that money is important. The second rule is
[00:40:00] that there's just lessons. There are no mistakes. There's only lessons and the lessons are going to keep on coming in fact, lessons will keep on coming until you learn that lesson.
They'll keep on repeating themselves, which will tell you, or indicate to you to change your genetics or change your enrgetics because it's an unconscious competency. And then my final favorite truths of the Sanskrit are the ancient history of human nature is simply that every lesson you learn at times, you're going to forget.
We are not consistent persistent beings, even though consistent, persistent is the substitute for fear, the substitute for ego-based consciousness. We are not consistent. So every single lesson that you learn at one time or another, you're going to forget, but what power do you have to resolve this? It's simply that you have the power to remember at any time every lesson that you've learned and more.
That you haven't even learned yet. So knowing that I'm going to learn and forget, but yet I have the power to remember. Now I
[00:41:00] can take control and accelerate and exponentially grow my life through the lessons and purpose that I live here at this vibration, knowing that the currency of this vibration and the object the energy
that we put into the flow at this vibration as money and the higher vibrating energy is faith. Faith is the aggregator what we think say, do believe, and the unconscious competencies of our genetics and energetics and faith is just like money at a higher vibration. If we put faith into what we want, by what we think say, do believe in the unconscious competencies, we're going to get what we want even more powerfully, even more rapidly and accurately than Amazon.
Right. We don't need Amazon prime to get it in two days. Some people can manifest things instantly.
Hala Taha: And I know that the importance of consistency is crucial in all of this, for it to work. And you talk about a concept of zeroing out. Like, for example, if you have a diet or you go to the gym when the weekend hits and you go drinking and you start eating, of course, you're not going to end up getting the results that you expected
[00:42:00] at the end of the month because you zeroed yourself out.
Can you talk to that a little bit?
David Meltzer: Yeah, that stems from the exponential accelerators, right? Well, we do things every day. I'd rather see someone lower the bar. And most of the successful people that I know preach about lowering the bar, doing things consistency consistently. If you're going to meditate, meditate two minutes a day, more than two hours on a weekend, because what happens is you're going to get the exponential power of that.
Day one is two minutes, day two's two minutes. Times two day three is two minutes. Times three day four is two minutes. Times four. What happens though is if we aggregate all that time and we miss a day, then it's on day seven, two minutes. Time, zero. Time to the previous numbers, right? It's one times, two times, three times, four times, five times, six times, zero times two.
That equals zero. And what happens is on that diet example is that people will diet for 31 days, cheat on three of those days and zero it out on three of those days. So when they step on the scale, they end up with a zero. Of
[00:43:00] gain or loss, but in their mind, they've diet it all month they've sacrificed a month, but they don't realize that they would have been better off staying at a consistent pace because the cellular memory programs, the neuro-pathways in the mind.
So what we think, say, and do as a cellular memory every day, and the only way to do it is within 30 days, it'll create a neural pathway in the mind. They either create a habit or change a habit or cancel habit. And that once it creates a neuropathway now the activity of sleep, which can be six to 12 hours a day to determine about who you are.
Now, that's working for you in the subconscious to go ahead and activate the DNA and shift your energy. So that unconsciously you're continually attracting what you want. This is the math of the acceleration and exponential growth. This is why people can hockey stick their life with their relationships, with their finances, with their personal fitness and health and emotional status.
All of these things can be affected with the enjoyment of a positive perspective
[00:44:00] of gratitude, empathy, accountability, and effective communication, the consistent everyday persistent without quit pursuit of your potential, your truth.
Hala Taha: Wow. So I know that we're running up on time. Didn't get to everything that I wanted to get to, but I just want to close talking about your purpose, which is unconditionally, how can I be of service?
Can you just talk about this purpose that you have and why you've based your life around this?
David Meltzer: Yeah, there's a duality to that, that I lived my life of value. Right. I want to give everyone, be productive, give value, and be accessible to other people, as well as access what I want. So there's only two questions that I asked everything and everyone is, I'm a student in my calendar.
As I do things now, I asked myself, what am I going to do today in person on the phone, via email and all the media, radio print, TV, social media, to ask others how I can be of service, how I can provide value. And more importantly, especially for young people. When you ask me what advice I
[00:45:00] would give when I was your age, it's simply ask for help.
Know this question. If you're listening out there, listen to me real quick, get a pencil, get a pen, type this out on your phone, whatever it is. Here's the question that will change your life. Do you know anyone that can help me? Have radical humility, ask for help. Trust me. You'll be able to provide service and productivity and value to others.
Pray for more than 10 people that you can help, but more importantly, pray for at least 10 people that can help you and be humble enough to ask that simple question. Do you know anyone that can help me? And when you do great things will come to you, you will connect to all those other branches out there, all those other people that are one with you, you will clean the connection to that, which inspires you.
You will not be living in the ego-based consciousness. You'll be living in surrender attraction and the law of Goya, all at the same time to aggregate your faith of what you want when you want it. And most importantly, my mission and purpose, you will be
[00:46:00] happy not only for you, but you'll be able to inspire others to inspire others, to be happy, and we can impact the entire world and change a billion lives, which will eventually change every life to be happy and happy people.
They do not destroy. They do not fight. They do not starve. Happy people are abundant people and abundance creates more abundance. You will live in a world of more than enough, more than enough of everything for everyone. And that's my dream. That's my goal. And I really have, and believe I have the math to do that.
Hala Taha: Wow. This was such an incredible conversation. I'm so excited to put it out to my listeners and, you know, chop it up on social media because he said so many powerful things throughout the interview so thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us on young and profiting podcast. Where can our listeners go to learn more about you and everything that you do?
David Meltzer: Oh, I compliment you on your research and what a great interview and what a great podcast you have.
I do these all the time, and this is one of the best and you should be proud of yourself. All you need to do to reach me is
[00:47:00] remember the name, David Meltzer, M E L T Z E R. My Instagram's @DavidMeltzer. And my LinkedIn David Meltzer, my YouTube David Meltzer, you can Google David Meltzer. My website is D Meltzer.
So you've got a little transition there, but if you remember David Meltzer, you will find me and I am of service. Happy to help. I have a great podcast called the playbook. I've a new book coming out with McGraw Hill called gametime decision-making. Please reach out to me, be of service and most importantly, be kind to your future self and do good deeds.
Hala Taha: Thanks david. And I'd love to have you back on the show when your book comes out.
David Meltzer: Awesome. I'd love to come back on. Hala, you are amazing. If you need anything, please reach out. Thank you so much. Take care.
Hala Taha: Thank you. Thanks for listening to young and profiting podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to write us a review on apple podcasts or wherever you listen to the show.
Follow YAP on instagram @youngandprofiting and check us out at And now you can chat live with us every single day on
[00:48:00] YAP society on slack, check out our show notes at for the registration link. You can find me on Instagram @YAPwithhala or LinkedIn, just search for my name, Hala Taha. Big thanks to the YAP team for another successful episode. This week on YAP, I'd like to give a special thanks to our social media team, Steves and Parth. The duo has been working hard to ramp up our social media on Instagram and YouTube. Stop by our pages and show them some love. This is Hala signing off.
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