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Get in the Miracle Mindset with Tim Storey!
In this episode, we are chatting with Tim Storey, acclaimed author, speaker, and life coach to top athletes, celebrities, and executives. Tim has inspired millions of people across the globe to create the future they desire. Featured on Oprah, Steve Harvey, and numerous other shows, Tim has helped people become honest with themselves to overcome the obstacles that are setting them back.
In this week’s episode, we talk about Tim’s beginnings in Compton, how he became a great communicator, and his main principles: The Law of the Harvest and The Miracle Mindset. We’ll then dig deeper into how to find true direction in your life, dealing with outside pressures, overcoming difficult setbacks (especially in the era of COVID), and much more. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!
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00:53 – The Thread That Connects Tim’s Endeavors
01:58 – Mother Teresa’s Influence on Tim
03:19 – How Tim Became a Great Communicator
04:45 – The Law of the Harvest
07:29 – The Miracle Mindset and Perspectives
09:21 – The Miracle Mentality
11:31 – Living in the Moment
16:51 – How to Find Direction in Life
18:59 – Dealing With Pressure and Outside Influence
21:12 – Tim’s Personal Story with Loss
23:47 – Secret to Getting Out of a Setback
26:24 – The Way to Pick Yourself Up After the Effects of COVID
28:44 – One of Tim’s Most Memorable Stories
35:23 – The Secret to a Happy Life
37:55 – Conversations Around Discrimination in 2020
40:37 – Story Behind John Lennon’s All We Need is Love
42:47 – Don’t Be Dramatic in the Midst of Drama
47:04 – Tim’s New Book, The Miracle Mentality
49:20 – Tim’s Secret to Profiting in Life
Mentioned in the Episode:
Tim’s Website:
Tim’s Instagram:
[00:00:00] Hala Taha: You're listening to YAP, young and profiting podcast, a place where you can listen, learn, and profit. Welcome to the show. I'm your host Hala Taha and on young and profiting podcast, we investigate a new topic each week and interview some of the brightest minds in the world. My goal is to turn their wisdom into actionable advice.
That you can use in your everyday life, no matter your age, profession, or industry, there's no fluff on this podcast and that's on purpose. I'm here to uncover value from my guests by doing the proper research and asking the right questions. If you're new to the show, we've chatted with the likes of ex FBI agents, real estate moguls.
Self-made billionaire. CEOs and best-selling authors our subject matter ranges from enhancing productivity, how to gain, influence the art of entrepreneurship and more, if you're smart and like to continually improve yourself, hit the subscribe button because you'll love it here at young [00:01:00] and profiting podcast this week on YAP
we're chatting with Tim Storey, acclaimed author, speaker, and life coach. Tim's story is known as the come back coach. And he's an absolute legend. When it comes to helping people overcome setbacks and take their careers to the next level. He has inspired millions of people from all walks of life, from celebrities, artists, and professional athletes to executives.
World leaders and children in third world countries, he has been featured on Oprah, Steve Harvey and numerous other television shows. This episode is exceptionally motivating and you do not want to miss it. It might be one of my favorite conversations of 2020. No, I'm positive. This was my favorite conversation of 2020.
And so I'm really happy to have ended off this year with such a wonderful conversation. Tune in to learn about Tim's beginnings and content. How he became a great communicator and to learn two of his main principles, the law of harvest [00:02:00] and the miracle mindset. We'll also then uncover how to find true direction in your life.
And we'll get his recipe for overcoming difficult setbacks, especially in the era of COVID-19. Hi, Tim, welcome to young and profiting podcast.
Tim Storey: What a privilege to be on your show today.
Hala Taha: I am so excited to talk to you. You have so much going on. So you are an extremely successful minister life coach, author, and speaker.
You're known as the comeback coach. You've worked with a multitude of celebrities, including Robert Downey, Jr. Quincy Jones, Kanye west, just to name a few, even inspired millions of people. You've traveled to over 75 countries and you were also featured on Oprah's soul Sunday, and now you've even dabbled into movie and Broadway production.
So you do a whole lot of things. So for my listeners who may not be familiar with you, Tim's story, what is the red thread between all of these activities? What is your true calling and [00:03:00] your purpose and life and what connects the dots between all of these activities? I
Tim Storey: I love that question. So the idea of the thread that connects.
Is, I am a humanitarian. I love the underdog because I was the underdog. I'm drawn to the person that has a setback. Doesn't know how to have a comeback. So even since the little kid, I loved the underdog. So you see that all the way across everything I do.
Hala Taha: Though. That's amazing. And speaking of you wanting to be a humanitarian from my understanding when you were 18 years old, you got very influenced by mother.
And so for my listeners who don't know you, you grew up in Compton, you're 18 years old. You were extremely athletic, not the typical thing for an athletic, young man to want to go do to want to go to, seminary school become a priest or whatever you were aiming to do and become a humanitarian.
So what was it about mother Teresa that you just got so inspired to change the whole [00:04:00] direction of your life?
Tim Storey: So it happened my senior year of high school. There was a young lady that I really respected and we're still great friends to this day. And she was reading this book about the life of mother Teresa.
And I noticed her on campus, she'd be reading it and I saw the cover. So I asked her, what is it about? So she explained, and she goes, you should read it. She goes, this is like how you are. So that's an awesome thing about life, sometimes. It's observation and conversations that can change your direction because my direction was, I wanted to go to USC and I wanted to be a communications major and being entertainment.
And so I read this book and I got so touched on how one lady who was a nun helped all these orphans. And then helped tens of thousands of orphans throughout her lifetime. So I decided after really thinking about it, meditating on it decided to go to seminary [00:05:00] and my life just continued to change.
Hala Taha: That's amazing.
And so now you're really well known for being like a huge motivational speaker. And at the time when you went to seminary school, did you know that you were a good communicator or did you fall into that? How did that happen? I
Tim Storey: I knew I was just a young person with an idea. And I love to talk about this because I think sometimes in life we decide and sometimes we discover.
So I wish I could just say that I sat back and I just decided that I would be well-known now just kinda kept discovering things. So when I was in seminary, a friend of mine said, Hey, Tim, I'm supposed to be teaching at this ROTC class on the Bible. And it's a group of about 30 men. I can't do it tonight.
Can you do it? Do me a favor and do it? And I go, no. I'm not a talker. It's a true story. I'm not a talker. And Tim, [00:06:00] I really need you to do it. So I did him a favor and I did it and I had these guys laughing so hard. And I didn't know that I had that charisma on stage. And then I had the ability to make people laugh.
And so they said, we love the other guy, but can we get you next week as well? And that's how it
Hala Taha: Wow. That's amazing. And so I assume it was lots of hard work and practice and experience. And one of the most interesting things that I've heard you say and something that really spoke to me, because I think.
It's like everything that I believe in it's this concept of the law of the harvest and you quote the proverb 1211, he who works land shall have abundance, whoever chases, fantasies, lacks wisdom. And so I think a lot of millennials need to hear this people think Oh, I have a dream. That means it's going to happen, but really dreams require a lot of hard work and to accomplish your goals, you need to really put in the legwork.
And so we live in a world where everything looks like an overnight success. You look on social media, you [00:07:00] think, oh, they just fell into it. And that could be me. And everybody wants to get rich quick. So talk to us about the law of harvest, because I think this is so profound, I love it.
Tim Storey: Thank you.
I love young people's energy and I'm surrounded by young people who work with me on projects, like from 17, 18 on cause I love their creative energy, but I think this is one thing that draws them to me.
We have people from all over the world trying to come to us in LA to do an internship with us because they love my discipline. And the whole idea is dreaming is easy. But to do the dream is a whole different thing. Walt Disney walked into an amusement park in the thirties, and he said, one day, I want to build my own amusement park.
Mine's going to be different. Better and more magical. The thing about Walt Disney that I love is that as I began to study him, his work ethic was that the next [00:08:00] level. So he really practiced these principles of the law of the harvest that you described, which is if you want a harvest, if you want to create Disneyland, as he did in the sixties, after he saw the vision of it, you first have to plow the ground.
Then you have to plant the right seeds. Then you have to water the seeds. That's every single day you're hustling and then you're going to reap a harvest. But then the proverb says, if you chase fantasies, then you lack wisdom. And you're right. We have a lot of people, even my age they are still chasing fantasies to this day.
But you gotta plow, you gotta plant, you got to water and then payday's on its way.
Hala Taha: Yeah. And when I was thinking about this, I also heard you talking about something called the miracle mindset, and you always talk about how having the right mindset is necessary. And it made me think that in this whole analogy, in terms [00:09:00] of a farm, like the sun is like your mindset at the end of the day, you can't do everything when you're in the dark.
And so you also need the light. So tell us about what is a miracle mindset, what kind of a perspective do we need to have in order to be as productive as possible and move towards our goals?
Tim Storey: So the mindset is so important because it's not just to rhyme, but truly the mindset will create a mood set.
So if you tell a little kid that he's going to do something exciting the next day, You've now put something in his mind and it's created a mind set. His mind is set on something. And so the mindset creates the mood set. Oh my gosh. Now I'm happy. I get to do this thing tomorrow. So what I become a master at is creating my own mindset because when we were kids.
In Compton, California. We had seven people in a two bedroom apartment, which is [00:10:00] very crowded. And then we had seven people in a Volkswagen bug, which is called illegal. So I created my own mindset to the, through the realm of imagination. So I started seeing things on TV.
Predominantly Disney things that we would see, they would come on Sunday nights and my older sisters would watch and my mind just started taking off. So my mindset became beyond, I was thinking beyond dreaming beyond. So my mindset changed my mood set that even though I was in cramped and crowded places, my sisters used to say this guy.
He walks like he's a king, but we were poor, but it was my mindset.
Hala Taha: Yeah. And so for those people who are struggling to have this strong mindset, if they find them having themselves negative thoughts all the [00:11:00] time and they just can't get out of it what's your advice there?
Tim Storey: So I'm going to be good at this question because I've just spent three years writing a book and it's called the miracle mentality.
That comes out March 1st with Harper Collins. So literally three years I've been writing with an amazing editor, like holyshmoly this guy is so good teacher at Princeton, but here's what happens in my travels. I found out that people usually live in these categories. What I call the messy disheveled, the mundane.
Which is like the regular, the status quo or many times lived in the madness. So they lived in the messy where their life was just disheveled. Okay. Are some lived in the mundane where it's just mundane day after day with no break and then some lived in the madness. And I found that if you are constantly in the messy and the madness, [00:12:00] it's hard to make room for the magic.
You gotta make room for magic. And so I teach people in my seminars, don't sprinkle magic on your messy oh my gosh, I'm going with my girl. We're going to Vegas. But you're like all live in a messy life, but you're going to sprinkle like a magical weekend. That's great because you need to rest and live, but we got to deal with your mess.
To make some permanent room for magic. That's where I'm good.
Hala Taha: Yeah. Wow. I can't wait until that book comes out. We're going to have you back on here, Tim. So let's go back to working the land. Cause I think this is I don't know why it really touched me because I just feel like it's so true.
Like you just need to work out what's actually in front of you in the moment. And I heard you on an interview with Grant Cardone and you were talking about the importance of living in the moment. So how does living in the moment relate to working your
Tim Storey: So when I was a kid at [00:13:00] 15 and a half, I got my first job as a dishwasher.
And I remember the cook used to make fun of me because he would say, Timmy, why are you watching these dishes? Like you own the place? And I remember I was just so happy about having this job. So I was just hustling. I was plowing. I was planting good seed. I was watering and I would show up early every single day, just plowing, planning, watering, so that the owner Mr.
Anderson saw this and he said, Timmy, I want to put you from dishwasher to busboy. And so that was like a big deal. And I'll never forget that as a bus boy, I was hustling and doing the same thing. I was plowing. I was planting. I was plowing. I was planting. I was watering. I was plowing, planting, watering, and then different owners of restaurants would come in to this nice restaurant I was working at.
And they would try to hire me. So I said to Mr. Anderson, no, these friends of yours are trying to give me jobs. He goes, no, I know. He goes, [00:14:00] Tim, because you're a hustler. He goes, I can't believe your mindset. And you're so happy about it. I said, but I'm loyal to you. So he kept that loyalty and kept me there till I was 17.
And then I went and worked at a really good restaurant called Jimmy's that a lot of people wanted to work at, but it was that plowing that planting that watering. But I was in the moment I was fully present, fully feeling. Fully alive when I was a dishwasher. Bam. I was there. Bus boy, bam. I was there.
Waiter, bam. I was there. So I think it's important mostly for young people to be in the moment, fully present, fully feeling fully alive. Don't just do it to get you there. Just do it and Excel where you are.
Hala Taha: Yeah. And also don't worry about where you're going to go next. So for example, when I was younger and I was in my internships, I just focused on my internship.
I didn't worry about oh, am I going to get the job? Or, oh, I [00:15:00] wish I was an employee already. It doesn't matter. You've got to focus up the task at hand and where you are at hand and feel confident and happy that you're there.
Tim Storey: No,
I like what you're saying there. And let's just stop there for a moment if you don't mind.
Cause I think that. You have really figured this out because if you plow the ground, plant the seed, what are the seeds you're going to get a harvest and what I have found. Is that people came looking for me. I don't go knock on everybody's door to get in places. People always say like, how did you get in with Oprah?
She's one of my great friends. How did you get in with Steve Harvey and do a 20 city tour? How did you get in with him or her bam or boom o boom a bam. I never looked for one person. I was working my land. I was just loving people, coaching people, helping people, being a humanitarian. And these people look for me.
Hala Taha: Yeah. I totally, really, I always talk about this on my podcast. [00:16:00] Just having like good, pure intentions and just focus and dedication just can bring so much opportunity. I can relate with my Podcast. I started this podcast two years ago, and then I turned it into a podcast marketing agency. And literally I haven't pitched one client.
It's all come from referrals or people who've come on my show. They're just so impressed. And they just want to work with me. And so I can definitely relate to that because I don't even have a website for my business. And we're doing so well. And it's all just because of the hard work and proof that I've put out in the world.
It's like the actual proof that's out there.
Tim Storey: 100%. And so even like our team, when we were talking about me being on this podcast one of my main people kept saying, you're going to love her. She's a big deal. And I noticed that he doesn't say that about everybody. And some of them are really like big podcasts or radio shows, whatever, but he kept calling you a big deal.
And the reality is to get [00:17:00] people that are doing well to come on and want to dialogue with you. That's because there's a connection. That we feel a kindred heart with you of a person that is paid the price and you continue to pay the price. You're plowing, you're planting, you're watering, but let me tell you something about payday, man.
When it comes so many young people listen to it can get so good. It can be weird. That's a great thing about my life is I get to be behind the scenes. I've talked to Justin Timberlake before he made it to talk to people like Jessica Simpson when she was 16. When she'd come to Tim story meetings and say, I have a dream.
We didn't know she was going to run a company worth about $400 million. So I love it that I get to be behind the scenes. Before somebody blows up.
Hala Taha: That's
amazing. Oh my gosh. There's so much to talk about. Let's talk about plowing the wrong land. Is it possible to work the [00:18:00] wrong land and how do you know when you're working the wrong land?
Tim Storey: Okay. So people say Tim Storey. How do I find direction in my life? You gotta stop. You gotta look. You gotta listen. So people say, we'll follow your heart, but we gotta make sure your heart is purified. So if you have the wrong things in your heart, let's not follow your heart, then take you to the wrong places.
But if your intentions are correct, I like that word you used earlier and your heart has the right motives. Then when you stop. You can look within and your heart is trying to talk to you. Why? Because your dream has a voice so powerful. Your dream has a voice. And there's times that you're going to date somebody.
Some of you guys are watching and your heart is telling you. No, but you do it anyway. [00:19:00] So in those cases you need to follow your heart. And so I feel that you can plow in the wrong areas. And if you feel like you've started to do that, whether it's a major you've started in college or jobs, once you got out or a relationship you've been in for a long time, it's not working.
You need to stop again. Look again and listen again.
Hala Taha: Yeah. And just one more question on this. Like what about my listeners are young, and so a lot of the times when you're growing up, it's your outside influences telling you what you need to be doing with your life? For example, my dad was a doctor.
He actually didn't pressure me to be a doctor, but my siblings felt very pressured to be doctors. And my sister specifically wanted to be an interior designer and always, thinks like always looks at oh, if it wasn't for mom and dad, I would have been an interior designer, but now I'm a doctor, which is amazing, but she complains.
And so what about like, when you're getting all this pressure? What do you suggest? How do you like own that and take control over your life?
Tim Storey: Yeah. [00:20:00] So number one, I think the kind of pressure you were getting is almost good pressure because like your dad like set the bar high.
And so I don't really blame certain parents to go I created this empire and go here. I created this and go here because I started off mentoring and tutoring and life coaching, famous people's kids. Like the most famous celebrities. You can imagine their kids. I started mentoring them.
When they were like young kids. Okay. And then I saw them grow up and do big things, a lot of them. And so many times if the dad or mom did great in a certain position, they would want the child to go there because they had paved the way I believe this, that you could be the right person with the right plan, but you need the right partners.
You need the right partners who are not just trying to take you, how they see life from their [00:21:00] vantage point, their point of view, their mindset, but they're willing to listen to your heart and your calling, because I think the calling calls you. I'd see you right now. You are like right in the middle of your calling.
Like right now, you're just like flying. You're like, Ooh, this is.
Hala Taha: Thank you. Yeah. I really feel that
Tim Storey: So I'm glad that you did not become a doctor. I'm glad that you are doing this. You're going to be a writer. You're a speaker. You're a humanitarian, you're a global leader. That's what I see in your future.
So I'm glad you're that cause we need you to be that.
Hala Taha: Thank you, Tim. So let's take it back to your childhood. You're known as the comeback coach, right? And I think one of your first big comebacks happened when you were very young and it's, I hate, we're so positive. I hate to bring it there, but I think it's a lesson for the listeners.
And so when you were 10 years old, You lost your father, you lost your sister [00:22:00] shortly after that. And it turns out your siblings dealt with this loss a lot differently than you did. So tell us about how your siblings dealt with it and how you dealt with it and why you think you were able to deal with it in a more positive way.
Tim Storey: So I think it's something that happens to all of us and not the same way. It's something that I've been talking about for 20 years called life interruptions. Whereas an interruption is when you're disturbed, somebody knocks at your door of life and interrupt you with many things that we would have never ordered from life's menu.
It could be asthma. I've seen people with lupus or Lyme disease, or just something bad happens in your childhood. For me. My father went to go get my mother food. And so he was just going through a green light and it was at nighttime in January. And bless this guy's heart. He ran a red light. He hit my father and my father died.
So the thing that was challenging is [00:23:00] my father was the one that had really good energy in the family. My mother was stronger. My mother is Latin. Everything is like the way she does life. Not all Latins, cause I'm part Latin, but the way she does life, it was more like just strong-willed. So we needed the energy of my father when that was taken.
It was like, it was sucked out. Okay. And so that life interruption, I was something that my siblings did not know what to do with. So most of them just got up and ran. They ran to like friends' homes or ran to a boyfriend. Cause they're much older than me. My brother, he ran to his friends. So a lot of times it was just me and my mother who worked at a donut shop who were in this house together.
And it was really a sad situation. But what I did, yeah, it is. I use my imagination again. Remember the power of the imagination. And I began to imagine things, and this is a real story. I told my mother when I was [00:24:00] 12, I said, mom, do not worry. I said, when I am in my mid twenties, this is so strange. I said that you will never worry about money again.
And that's exactly what happened. Exactly. Yeah.
Hala Taha: And so you talk about comebacks, all over the world. It's one of your main speaking topics. What is your formula for getting out of a setback?
Tim Storey: So when you're in a setback, the first thing you have to do is you have to become awake. When you're in a setback, you want to many times pull the blinds, pull the covers over your head and just hope it's just gone.
But number one, you have to become awake. Secondly, you have to take inventory. So you've got to think now that she left or now that he left, or now that they left, what am I going to do? What do I have left here? So you become awake. Secondly, you take inventory. The third thing you need to do is do what they're doing [00:25:00] right now.
They need to partner with power, listen to people that have answers. Listen to people. Who knows what it's like to go through things that are similar as far as some sort of a setback. So you have to partner with power. Then the next thing you do, number four is you have to find the right principles because I believe it's principles that get you through the problems.
It's not hype. It's not just positive energy. It's not just mindset, but the right principles can get you through any problem. Okay. So you become aware, you take inventory partnering with right. People get the right principles and then what do you do next? You proceed. You go forward. I am all about going forward.
Oprah loves this quote and she said to me, she goes, Tim, I love this one. When you talk about a comeback is not a go back. [00:26:00] Because a lot of people, when they have a setback, they think I got to go back and fix it all. But a comeback is not a go back. So when you've done all those steps that I said, let's go forward.
Let's proceed.
Hala Taha: This episode
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I think that's such great advice. And so it's a very uncertain world, right? Where we're living in COVID a lot of people are dealing with so many setbacks at once. Like divorce sickness, financial issues. It's like every setback that you can think of.
Some people are impacted. I, my whole family got COVID and my father passed away back in May. And it was so tough. I'm lucky. There's a lot of great things going for me. I was able to use that death as motivation and everything that my father accomplished as motivation to keep me going [00:29:00] in my life.
But I don't think a lot of people are stronger or has had such a lucky structure in their life. So what about the people who are so directly impacted by COVID, whether they've lost their job, whether they got sick, whether somebody died or maybe all of the above.
Tim Storey: Okay. So first of all, let me just say this. That it's so amazing that you have this positive outlook on life when your father just passed just literally months ago.
And I love the way you're honoring him as a great man that I believe that you say that he is. And so I am sorry for your loss. I mean that with all my heart, and I think that the fact that you have decided to have. The right mindset of, that life is not always black. It's not always white.
Sometimes it's gray. Sometimes life is gray and we don't really understand things. And so let's just take it there for a minute because I [00:30:00] feel like there's a lot of people you guys are going through. As she said, multiple things at once. And as she said, it could be your health. It could be your job, your finances, your relationships, whatever it is.
But the best way to deal with that is one room at a time. So if I'm coaching somebody and they have a five room life, and it seems like there's a mess in every room. How do you clean up a messy house that has five messy rooms, one room at a time, one room at a time. So we need to breathe life into the first room and you get it correct.
And then it gives you faith to go breathe life into the second room and then it becomes more correct. And then you breathe life into the third room. Yes.
Hala Taha: I love that. Thank you. So you've been known to [00:31:00] be a comeback coach for celebrities, right? Everybody knows that about you. They see you with Oprah and Kanye and all these big stars, but it turns out that you've also helped a lot of people who are just regular people who wanted to be stars, who became homeless and prostitutes in LA and things like that.
So do you have any memorable stories that really stick out to you in terms of somebody that you helped. Isn't necessarily celebrity, or they could be a celebrity whatever, really just like sticks out to you right now in the moment,
Tim Storey: The skills, the tools and the attitude are the thing that's going to take you from almost most living.
So my skills and my tools, they lie in the plates of I'm a master lucksmith. If somebody has a problem, Ooh, I'm good. What kids are going to be. I can watch somebody on TMZ and I'll tell one of my assistants watch within a week their people are going to reach out to me and I'm then I'm right.
All day long, all the time, because [00:32:00] I am a really good luck smith. But I never tried to be the lucksmith to the stars, the comeback coach to the stars. That's no, I love people. So I work with ARC, which was started by my good friend, Robert Downey in prison reform. I'm on the board. And then I work with Kerri Kasem, Kasem Cares, the famous Kerri Kasem, it's for elder abuse.
I do a lot of work in the area of mental health and addiction. And also work with with the homeless, because I love people. So one of my favorite stories real quick is I was going into I'll give them a shout out because maybe there'll be a sponsor someday seven 11 has gone into seven 11 and I saw real sharp looking.
Black young man who I later found out was 23 years of age, but very together. And he was asking for money. He was begging, but he did not look like a guy that would be begging [00:33:00] for money. So I asked him how long he'd been out here. And he said, for two weeks, and I said, you don't seem like a guy that would be doing this.
And he said I came here to be an actor and a lot of bad things happen, but can I just have some money? I said I'm going to give you a lot of money. And then he said how much it was so funny. And I said, I gave him the amount. And so it was a lot and his eyes got opened. I said, but now you gotta hear my speech.
I said, okay. So why are you out here? And he told me that he had problems with being schizophrenic and had somebody had stolen his stuff, like his backpack and in there was his medication. So he didn't know where he was. And I said, are you hearing voices? And he said, yes. I said, don't put yourself down.
I said, this is what I do for a living. We're going to get it. You're going to be okay. It's not your fault that you not taking your medicine. So I said, what's your mother's phone number? And this is so powerful. And he goes, [00:34:00] I don't know. I said what state are you from? So he tells me the state and I'm really, you're good with with area codes.
So I go like this, okay, I'm going to call your mom true story. So I get my phone, I hold it up and I go, okay. Area code is, and I went bam. I was right in the first three. Cause I know that state. And there's, now that I studied it, there was a few area codes in that city that had changed through the years, but I was right on the one.
So I, I said boom. And then out of nowhere, he goes bam. It gives me the rest of the number, true story. So I call this number. A lady answered the phone. She says, hello. I said, miss. I said, this is Tim Storey. This is the God's honest truth. I said this in front of Oprah Winfrey. When I spoke for her at UCLA for SuperSoul sessions, with Deepak Chopra watching me, Brene Brown and everybody else, the lady said, Tim Storey.
The [00:35:00] minister. I say yes. Think about how big the world is. It's almost 8 billion people. I looked again four days ago. It's almost 8 billion people for her to say that. And I go, yes. And she goes what happened? I said, I have your son and she just starts weeping. She says, we thought we had lost him.
We thought he was dead. I said, no, he's right here with me. This is one of my favorite stories ever, because he was lost. She was lost because he was lost and it took somebody that was awake. And that had been through his own pain to say, Hey, I got this. We ended up bringing them into a facility that I was connected to.
Getting them on the right track, getting them a doctor, a family member came a few days late, about three days later, and I wanted him to stay two days longer. In this facility. [00:36:00] We put the family member up in a hotel till he was ready to travel, change their life forever.
Hala Taha: That's
amazing. And I feel like you must have felt that he was special or that, or maybe you feel that about everyone that everybody can be
Tim Storey: I felt it was somebody's son, so some man's son or some woman's son.
And that's how I see people. Like they're the guy close to my house is homeless and he's walks around. He gets mad at me and I pull over next to him. I did it again three days ago. And then I give him money and then I have my talk and he goes, when are you going to get off my back? I'm not going into the shelter.
I go, this, I didn't ever say anything about a shelter. I was just telling you how nice the weather is, but why do I keep pulling over? Cause that's somebody's son. Or if I'm helping somebody, a lady is somebody's daughter.
Hala Taha: Yeah . So you work with all of these celebrities and regular people. And when it comes to celebrities [00:37:00] specifically, it goes to show that, you could have all this money, all this fame, and you could still be.
Not happy with your life and just a mess, like messy as you were talking about having a messy life. So you could still be so successful on paper look great. You're rich, you're successful. You've got a beautiful wife car, whatever it is. And then you're still unhappy. So you've seen it all. What do you think is really the secret of a happy and peaceful life then?
Tim Storey: I thinks it's a great buildup and then great question. I think it's this idea of being true to yourself and truly being authentic. And that word is almost overused nowadays, but authenticity is really a powerful thing. And I think what happens is a lot of these creatives that I'm around, which would be people that they would know they started their craft.
Many times [00:38:00] with the right motives, because they wanted to create whether it was music or film or whatever. They do fashion, whatever they do models, but then they got caught up in stuff, the system and being a celebrity. But here's what I teach a lot of young kids in schools. Cause I go speak at these schools for free and they get excited because I know all these people.
And I say that, a lot of people want to be celebrities. I said, but you are a celebrity. A celebrity means to be celebrated and you just have to find the right people that are celebrating you. And so when you learn to celebrate yourself and realize that there are some good people that celebrate you, then you won't have such a hunger and a thirst for that other stuff.
So I think it's the key is to be authentic, to be yourself. And to be really great at your craft.
Hala Taha: I love that. I [00:39:00] agree. So I'm going to take a tangent here. 2020 has been a crazy year, especially for black people in America. Racism is totally alive and well, George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, then we lost Chadwick Boseman.
There's so many like downfalls that black people had to deal with this year. And I have a lot of colleagues who I work with and they keep telling me like, it's just been such a bad year. Like it's just one thing after the next. So you're a black man. You're mixed. And you're in this different realm than most black people, right?
You're in this celebrity realm, you hang out with Oprah and Kanye and. These types of people seem like they don't get discriminated against. And so I'm curious to know have you been ever discriminated against in recent, since you've gotten so known in your field, have you still face discrimination in some way, or do you feel that because of your stature right now in life that you don't see it [00:40:00] or feel it like everyone else?
Tim Storey: No, we definitely feel it. I'm working on a project and it has to do with conversations with black celebrities that still get pulled over all the time. So like when you drive a really nice car and you're in a nice area as a black man, I still get pulled over. That's just the way it is or living in Beverly Hills forever.
And very nice houses, people wondering, like, how did you get this house kind of deal? So the discriminate so negative and so prejudice in life are really wanting to change. I have some really good friends that say, Tim, to be honest with you, I realized that I am a little bit racist and for them to be that honest.
And even apologize at times, but on the other side, [00:41:00] then as a black man, I need to look at the fact to make sure that I'm not being prejudice against people, whether they live in this region or talk this way or live this lifestyle. So I think that this is a real check yourself before you wreck yourself moment for all of us.
Because, even you being raised in privilege, you've had people come against you for being privileged. So we all get some form of prejudice against us. So this is a real learning moment for us. And, but I will say that I am proud of people. Not everyone is stepped forward in this, but I'm proud of so many people that have decided to learn.
Get better get up and let's move forward.
Hala Taha: Yeah. I think a lot of people woke up all different races and, we're trying our best to move this country in the right [00:42:00] direction. At least a lot of us are. So
Tim Storey: I'll
tell you a quick story is that John Lennon, he wrote this song. All we need is love. And I was hearing about this just three days ago that he wanted it.
To be just those words and then for it to just keep looping and because he wanted people all over the world to sing that song. All we need is love over and over again. And that's exactly what happened. That it really went viral before, like viral was famous and people from countries that could not even speak English, that was not the first language we're singing.
All we need is love and such a powerful thing is it when we begin to have love for each other and compassion. It's a real healer.
Hala Taha: Yeah. I'm Arabic. And so when I was in middle school and high school, that was right when 9/11 happened. And I remember, I felt, I honestly felt like a decade was taken away from my life because I just felt like I just stopped getting [00:43:00] opportunities.
And I, I think things have gotten a lot better. But I just hope that like for a black community out there that like things just really start to get better for them.
Tim Storey: What can I say this, but also for your community, I feel the same because I have friends that are coming from all parts of the world. I've been to seventy-five countries.
I've got friends and a lot of countries that are my real friends and different religions, etc. So I think that the fair place to go is it, most of us have had it. And most not George what happened on the street. When the policemen took his life. But so many at a, even a lesser place is not something that we should tolerate, but we can rise up and use the tool of compassion and love.
And I see young people, a lot of young people stepping into that.
Hala Taha: Yeah. I agree. I hope that then it's the new generation that's going to change things. That's how it always goes. Related to this [00:44:00] is the fact that. You're somebody who always stays calm. Even now you're talking about something that's probably so hurtful and most people would feel very angry, but you have a very calm, demeanor about you at all times.
It seems and you have a famous saying don't get dramatic in the midst of drama. So tell us about this phrase and tell us how you keep your cool, no matter what's going on.
Tim Storey: Great observation and great research. And I get interviewed by everybody. You're good. So when I was a kid, I saw a lot of my relatives getting very dramatic.
Like my aunt would get mad. Somebody in her family drank too much or this happened, or that didn't happen or this took place. And then I went to school and I saw a lot of dramatic people and I started watching them and I thought, this is not paying off for them because I said this to you earlier, that there's three primary ways people [00:45:00] learn.
And I gave you two earlier. The three primary ways is education. Second is conversation. Third is observation. So I am like a phenomenal observationalist all my friends go like Tim's story is the best I can come in and read a room. See where I should sit, who to talk to, who not to talk to a star. I can meet with them.
And one day they're super happy. Three days later, bad mood. I read the mood, so I know what to do. I know what to do. Okay. Observation. Okay. So this whole thing about don't become dramatic in the midst of the drama. I noticed that being dramatic did not help things. Whether people argued or file with a policeman, because he gave him a ticket or got in a terrible mood because of what was happening in the weather.
So I decided to play things down, just play them down, just play them down [00:46:00] and play them down to a place where I can then say, okay, really? What is my inventory? What am I really dealing with? And become a sensible thinker and really make better choices and decisions. So thank you for your observation. I'm known for this.
In fact, one creative that you would love. Says this about me. She says Tim's story walks around life. Like he has jazz music. Cool. Jazz music, playing games.
Hala Taha: I love that.
So then do you never make decisions when you're angry? Are you very you just know how to just take
Tim Storey: no matter what it is?
Hala Taha: How about excitements?
Tim Storey: I a m passionate, like people that have seen me speak, I'll set a whole stage on fire.
Hala Taha: Yeah. It's like you, you just won't go [00:47:00] the negative route. It's like any energy that's positive. You'll go
Tim Storey: I remember those taming this actress lady. And still a great friend of mine today. And she laughs at this cause she was trying to really get to me and she goes, if you don't do this, it's over.
I am walking out right now and it is over. She did like this big speech. Okay. And I go we should probably talk about it. She goes, you don't understand, this is not a threat. If you don't do this, that, and the other is over. And then I did. Do what you wanted. So she got her purse and she just got up and just kept walking and I just stood there.
And then she came back around the corner a few minutes later, she goes, you're not even going to chase me.
And then she started laughing. She goes only, you only, you would not chase me, everybody chases me. I go, okay.
Hala Taha: That's so funny. This has been such [00:48:00] a great conversation. I read it was one of my favorite conversations that I've had in a while.
So let's talk about your new book. It comes out March, 2021. You did mention it earlier, the miracle mentality. Do you want to describe to us what a miracle mindset is and more so like the fact that as we grow older, we lose this miracle mindset. Tell us about this book and in a nutshell,
Tim Storey: Well I know the book is going to
capture people's attention because I've done the speech so many times.
And when I do the speech, people go like this. Like I could even be like, cause I speak at a lot of like places that are stuffy and they're like life coach to the stars work with this, that, that doesn't get them. They're like this. Okay. But when I talk about the miracle mindset and I say things like this, I was speaking to a group of kids in South Africa.
And I said to these little kids, they must've been about seven or eight. What do you want to be when you get older? And little kids [00:49:00] said the president and a little girl said a ballerina and little, the little boy said, I want to be like LeBron James. I said, every one of them had a miracle mentality. A miracle is something extra ordinary, supernatural, not common, not normal, not the regular.
I said, when you're little, you have a miracle mentality. Now you may not always say it, show it, act like it. But see, most psychologists have found that even if kids do not say it or express it, they still feel it. They feel like something miraculous can still happen. Even if they're being abused or in a bad situation.
They're thinking my mindset will somehow get me out of this mess and this madness. And so in this book, the miracle mentality. I'm not trying to get people to get something that they don't have. I'm trying to get people to align with who they really are. [00:50:00] See, that's what I did. I aligned myself with who I am.
Yeah. The Miracle Mentality.
Hala Taha: I love talking to you. I feel like I can like, run a marathon right now. Okay. So the last question I ask all my guests is what is your secret to profiting in life?
Tim Storey: I think for me, it's cooperating with who I'm supposed to be, that I don't believe in chasing dreams. I believe in cooperating with what life has called me to be.
So I believe that whatever your faith is, we've all been spoken over. And so I think that even when I was in my mother's womb that there was a destiny for me. And I'm just lining up with it on a daily basis. I'm lining up. I didn't know that I'd be in 90 airports around the world that just happened this [00:51:00] weekend.
When you walk through the airport, you'll see me on these big screens, everywhere that I write every month for American magazines. And United airways magazines. I didn't know that I get to be interviewed by you. So I didn't know all these things. I just knew I needed to line up with who I really am and that's what we've done.
Hala Taha: That's
amazing. And where can our listeners go to learn more about you and everything that you do?
Tim Storey: I think the best way is still the old fashioned way. Just And you'll put all that there because story's got S T O R E Y some specialists. They put an E in there. Tim Storey. shows all the things we do.
Hala Taha: I love it. Thank you so much for this powerful conversation. I'm sure everybody who's tuning in is feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to align to their true life purpose. So thank you so much, Tim! Thanks for listening to young and profiting [00:52:00] podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode with Tim Storey and that you're feeling extra motivated to rock your 2020.
I especially loved when Tim spoke to us about the law of harvest and how you need to be in the moment and work your land work what's right in front of you and the opportunities that you have every single day. I feel like I'm going to take that lesson with me wherever I go for the rest of my life. If you loved this interview with Tim Storey and you still want more content to help you get inspired, I would recommend to check out number 31, get off your ass Goya with David Meltzer.
Here's a clip from that episode.
David Meltzer: I gave her a speech about meditation and how that I was in complete control of my life. And I had grown up with nothing and I had a Ferrari, a porsche or big home and motor home and boat and anything I wanted, I could buy in that money bought happiness and that, why would I meditate?
Because everybody that meditated that I knew was sick, broke living on their mom's couch and high. And I made things happen. [00:53:00] She explained to me at that time, this quantum moment of my life, she explained to me that. Through meditation. She could teach me to raise my awareness and my vibration, and she taught me that I could only be aware of that, which vibrated equal to, or less than me and that everything vibrated the earth, the plants, the animals sound light thought.
And then she rocked my world. She asked me what thought vibrated the fastest. And she told me the truth. The truth vibrates the fastest David and I can teach you to pursue the truth, pursue your potential. I can teach you to be aware of all the great truths of the universe, and you now can manifest everything that you desire.
You can put faith into what you want, and all of it can be yours,
Hala Taha: that David Meltzer and Tim Storey really get you in the mood to just crush everything insight. Again, if you want more content to help you get motivated and inspired, go back and check out. Number 31. Get off your ass with David Meltzer.
[00:54:00] And if you're a new listener to young and profiting podcasts, please take a few minutes to subscribe to YAP and drop us a review on apple podcasts. It's a free and effective way to support the show. This week. I'm going to shout out a review from Chris Gruen and M Ponzi. The first review from Chris goes like this.
Side hustle episode is a must. I loved the episode about having a side hustle. I agree. You must have multiple revenue streams in case something goes wrong, do something you love. And once it gets big enough, then go all in. That's how I started my business. Awesome. I'm so glad Chris, that you loved the side hustle episode.
It was really fun to make. Go check out. YAP snacks, how to start a side hustle. I recorded it, maybe a few episodes back it's a really good episode. The next review is from M Ponzi relevant content, personable host, great guests, young and profiting is one of those uncovered gems out there. It's already got a pretty big following, [00:55:00] but I'm surprised it's not on the apple.
Top 10. Every episode Hala has such relevant content and actionable insights. I look forward to it every single Monday morning for the fact that I can listen to a new episode during my lunch break. Simply fantastic. Awesome. I'm so happy that you listen every single Monday. That's a true dedicated YAP band.
Thank you so much. M Ponzi and thanks everyone for your awesome reviews. We've been getting an influx of reviews lately, and if you're out there listening and you found value in today's show, please also take a few moment to write us a review on apple podcasts or a comment on your favorite podcast platform.
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