
Codie Sanchez: 7 Boring Businesses You Can Buy Right Now To Replace Your Income | E231

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud After climbing the ranks of the high finance ladder, Codie Sanchez felt lost. She was no longer in charge of her day-to-day life, despite her years of schooling and hard work. She decided to take the insights she gained to build her own portfolio of what she calls “boring…

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YAPClassic: Wim Hof, The Iceman, on How to Conquer Your Mind and Take Control of Your Life

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud When Wim Hof was 35, his wife, who suffered from schizophrenia, committed suicide. He then had to raise four young children by himself with no money. His only escape from daily agony was submerging himself in ice water. There, he discovered the physical and mental healing power of ice…

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Ken Okazaki: 7-Figure Video Funnels, How to Create Compelling Marketing Videos with Just Your Phone

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud Ken Okazaki first got the bug for producing videos when he was a teenager. Years later, he went into the event business where his job was to “get butts in seats.” Every day, he was surrounded by crew, equipment, sets, and gear. Ken decided to pivot and focus on…

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Jason Fladlien: Become a Master of Influence and Persuasion | Part 2

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud During the dawn of the Internet, Jason Fladlien started experimenting with online business. Since then, he’s built up an impressive resume including selling over $500M worth of products and services using webinars and releasing the best-selling book One to Many: The Secret to Webinar Success. Jason also co-founded Rapid…

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Jason Fladlien: The $250,000,000 Webinar Man Reveals His Best Marketing and Sales Secrets

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud Jason Fladlien started his career in the most unusual way – as a rapping monk. Even though rap was his passion, he got to a point where he couldn’t sell his records. After he started studying marketing, Jason fell in love with creating information products that helped people solve…

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Carolina Reis: Reverse Your Biological Age and Increase Your Longevity With These Pro-Aging Hacks!

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud Growing up in a small town in the countryside of Brazil, Carolina Reis was always fascinated with “the code of life.” While studying stem cell biology and tissue engineering, Carolina sought for a way to use her knowledge to build a scalable, sustainable company. After relocating to Silicon Valley,…

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Kim Scott: Radical Candor, How to Say What You Mean Without Being A Jerk

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud Kim Scott has made an impressive name for herself in Silicon Valley as a business leader and tech executive. After a few failed startups, Kim started working at Google, where her boss was the infamous Sheryl Sandberg. After Sheryl gave her some tough love, Kim decided to write Radical…

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YAPClassic: Ed Mylett on The Power of One More, How To Reprogram Your Mind to Get What You Want

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud As a child, Ed Mylett carried a lot of internalized shame. His father was an alcoholic, he was riddled with anxiety, and his classmates bullied him for being too skinny. When Ed was 15, his dad got sober, which taught Ed that people can change their lives at any…

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Neil Patel: Grow Your Business with These Digital Marketing Trends in 2023

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud Neil Patel was always thinking about what he could do to become financially successful, but as a teenager without a college degree, he couldn’t get a high-paying job. To solve this problem, Neil Patel created his first company, a job site called AdviceMonkey, at just 16 years old. Neil…

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YAPClassic: Paul Getter, Marketing Secrets to Grow Your Brand and Business

Also listen Podcast Spotify Youtube Soundcloud When Paul Getter was unemployed and looking for a sustainable income stream, he stumbled upon the then-hidden power of Facebook as a marketing tool. Despite having no formal education in marketing, he dedicated himself to becoming a master at internet marketing. Paul has now spent over one billion dollars…

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